What We Do

Since 2021, we have been working tirelessly to do two things:

  1. Reduce the pressures caused by not having enough to eat.

  2. Do that using food that would otherwise go to waste.

To accomplish these objectives we focus on these three programs:

Donated Food

While we do our best to source and rescue food that would otherwise go to waste, there are always needs that arise that just can’t be met practically through current rescue resources (ready to eat meals, specific dietary requirements, etc.). To address these needs we directly accept donations of food and funds to acquire the resources needed.

Food Rescue & Pantry Exchange

The centerpiece of our food sourcing efforts revolves around the pick up (rescue) and distribution of food that would otherwise go to waste from generous donor partners including grocery stores, restaurants, food vendors, community groups, and caring individuals like you.

Support Services

While solving for at least part of a person’s food security challenges can be a tremendous help, there are plenty of folks who come to us in a time of crisis and/or have struggled for some time to get connected to other supportive services. On a best effort basis, we provide basic support for all attendees and limited case management for 10-20 individuals/families per month.