Taking Hunger Off The Table In Pflugerville

Starts With You

We improve the lives of anyone impacted by food insecurity through the free distribution of rescued and donated food.

Food Insecurity affects different people, in different ways, at different times


“It’s really, really hard to pay for my medicine and get to the store and back, so sometimes I’ll just go without.”


Age: 79

Household Size: 1

Insecurity Causes: Isolation, mobility, depression, less than $1,000 in monthly Social Security income, cognitive decline


“It’s not like I want to live in my car, but if I do, I can eat.”


Age: 54

Household Size: 1

Insecurity Causes: Unhoused, non-working vehicle as shelter, physical and mental health challenges, no regular income


“We didn’t see the layoff coming.”

Anonymous Family

Ages: 30, 28, 7, 3

Household Size: 4

Insecurity Causes: Unexpected Layoff, Underemployment


“We’re just trying to get by, together.”

Iain and Family

Ages: 75, 59, 43, 26, 24

Household Size: 5

Insecurity Causes: Physical and mental health challenges, job loss, complexity of navigating support systems, consistent vehicle/transportation access

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? Join us in our fight against food insecurity and waste by providing food for all!

Food For All

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